
Paradise, best served
with Lime


Corona is the #1 world bottle in the on trade, growing by 7.8% year-on-year.


Corona has a higher RSP (£5.15) and adds more cash in the till than competitors (Peroni £5.01, Birra Moretti £4.58, Estrella £4.73).

1 in 3

A third of the UK state that Corona is a brand that 'they love'.

Brand Info

Born in Mexico and brought up on the beach, Corona is the perfect complement to life’s simple pleasures. The golden colour, light refreshing flavour and iconic hand-painted bottle, topped off with a freshly squeezed lime. Whatever the time of year, Corona is best served ice cold and with a wedge of lime, that both complements and intensifies the flavour, with the refreshing citrus notes.

Every sip of Corona, conjures images of golden sands and pale blue skies, transporting you to instant relaxation and disconnection.

Corona invites us to disconnect from our routines and reconnect with our essential nature as we believe that it's outside where our best side shines through.

Reasons to Pour

  • Corona is the #1 World Beer in the UK.
  • Corona Cero #1 World Beer NAB after just one year of launch.
  • Corona draught drives trade up with a 4.5% higher price point versus competitors.
  • Corona is the first global beverage brand with a net zero plastic footprint, meaning the brand recovers more plastic from the environment than it releases into the world.
  • Corona is #1 World Beer consumed by women and over indexes in younger consumers by 2.6% versus Total Beer.
  • Two out of three drinkers only consume beer on draught.

Available Point of Sale

*subject to allocation and availability

Draught Assets

Brand Asset Downloads

Download Corona social media assets, videos, packshot product visuals and logos.

Corona Brand Assets

How can we help you?

Would you like to know more about Corona or are you interested in installing Corona draught at your venue to claim your free POS Kit?