Via Roma

Italian Lager, refreshed


Star rating
Via Roma receives favourable reviews and high overall likeability in on trade taste trials.


Repurchase intent
A high number of consumers will purchase Via Roma again after tasting it for the first time.


Increase in Italian lagers
Via Roma will drive category value in an important beer segment by rethinking Italian style and tradition. 

Brand Info

The origin and inspiration of Via Roma hails from our Birra Del Borgo brewery in Rome. Encompassing the innovative spirit of Birra Del Borgo, we have developed an Italian lager for the UK market. Our name is a nod to the Eternal City’s reputation as a culture capital. Most modern Italian cities have a street named ‘Via Roma’. Wherever the night takes you, go by way of Rome.

Via Roma is a modern flourish for modern day tastes, it’s an Italian lager - refreshed!

With a crisp, dry and refreshing flavour with a slight sweetness, the lager is brewed with a hint of Italian orange for those with a zest for life.

We know that your consumers are excited by a brand that rethinks tradition. Via Roma is an exciting opportunity for a modern, disruptive competitor to rethink Italian style and tradition.

Reasons to Pour

  • There is clear category opportunity and consumer demand.
  • Our research has shown that the big and well-known players in Italian lager are well liked, but they're a bit dusty and represent very traditional Italian ideas and stereotypes. What excites and interests your consumers is a disruptor. That's Via Roma.
  • Via Roma is vibrant and bold brand, built for the UK consumer.
  • We will support you with exciting activations to maximise consumer pull and drive rate of sale.
  • Via Roma has enjoyed a strong start in the on trade where we will continue to grow and prioritise.
  • We will bring Via Roma to life with maximum in-outlet and outdoor visibility with relevant POCM and by tapping into the aperitivo moment.

Free Pint Cashback Promo

In an exciting new campaign designed to drive trial, increase footfall, dwell-time and sales at your venue - we invite your consumers to discover Via Roma, Italian - refreshed. On us. We target your consumers with social media ads directing them to their nearest participating pubs.

  • In-venue POS encourages consumers to scan the QR code/NFC when they buy a pint of Via Roma.
  • Then they visit the Zappit link displayed on the POS.
  • A text link delivers the voucher where consumers enter their details to claim.
  • Zappit will refund the cost of the pint directly to the consumer’s bank account.
    Find out more

Available Point of Sale

*subject to allocation and availability

How can we help you?

Would you like to know more about Via Roma or are you interested in selling our beers in your pub?